
Daniel Wolfgang Bohnert

Wittenberger Universitätstheologie im frühen 17. Jahrhundert

Eine Fallstudie zu Friedrich Balduin (1575–1627)

[Wittenberg University Theology in the Early Seventeenth Century. A Case Study on Friedrich Balduin (1575–1627).]

114,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-155474-2
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Published in German.
As pastor, superintendent and professor in Wittenberg, Friedrich Balduin (1575–1627) was one of the most influential theologians in the Electorate of Saxony in the early seventeenth century. In his case study, Daniel Wolfgang Bohnert analyses the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of his influence on instructing future preachers.
As pastor, superintendent and professor in Wittenberg, Friedrich Balduin (1575–1627) was one of the most influential theologians in the Electorate of Saxony in the early seventeenth century. More than 800 exams and ordinations were held during his two decade term of office. As an academic teacher, Balduin placed particular emphasis on a biblical interpretation of the Bible as well as the preaching of biblically-bound sermons, which the preacher was to deliver anew and independently each time. In his case study, Daniel Wolfgang Bohnert analyses the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of instructing future preachers: the function of the Leucorea as the hub of theological knowledge for territories and cities in northern, north eastern and east central Europe as well as Balduin's role as representative of a consistent methodization and application of the Lutheran scriptural principle.

Daniel Wolfgang Bohnert Geboren 1987; Studium für das Lehramt an Gymnasien, Fachrichtung Deutsch, Geschichte und Ev. Theologie; seit 2015 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am DFG-Forschungsprojekt Theologiae Alumni Vitebergense (TAV) der Professur für Kirchengeschichte an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main; 2016 Promotion.


The following reviews are known:

In: Ebernburg-Hefte — 52 (2018), S. 329–331 (Christian V. Witt)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 145 (2020), S. 830–832 (Walter Sparn)
In: Informationsmittel f. Bibliotheken — (5/2019) (Hanspeter Marti)
In: Sehepunkte — (Stefan Michel)
In: Lutheran Quarterly — 38 (2024), S. 97–99 (Robert Kolb)