Francesco Cocco

Women in the Wilderness

The »Female Legislation« of the Book of Numbers (Num 5,11-31; 27,1-11; 30,2-17)
[Frauen in der Wildnis. »Weibliche Gesetzgebung« im Buch Numeri (Num 5,11-31; 27,1-11; 3,2-17).]
2020. VI, 235 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-158857-0
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  • 978-3-16-158857-0
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In this work, Francesco Cocco studies the legislation of Numbers which deals with laws featuring women as their leading figures. The prominent place of women in the texts studied is peculiar because all three seem to be at odds with the notion of female autonomy. In fact, though, the author's in-depth study leads to an unexpected understanding of the laws.

Forschungen zum Alten Testament (FAT)