Jan Löhdefink

Zeiten des Teufels

Teufelsvorstellungen und Geschichtszeit in frühreformatorischen Flugschriften (1520-1526)
[Times of the Devil. Perception of the Devil and Historical Time in Early Reformation Pamphlets (1520-1526).]
2016. XI, 412 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-154489-7
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-154489-7
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Jan Löhdefink looks into how perception of the devil changed during the early days of the Reformation and how this affected time consciousness. He describes the reformatory remodulation of interpreting the past, understanding the present and future prospects, which because of their strongly polemical contrasts with conflicting concepts reveal their own constitution-requirements of time perception and indicate a fundamental shift of the understanding of time.

Beiträge zur historischen Theologie (BHTh)