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Maximilian Brambring

Zentrales Clearing von OTC-Derivaten unter EMIR

Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Regulierung systemischer Risiken im Finanzmarktrecht
[Central OTC-Derivative Clearing in European Regulation.]
2017. XXIII, 459 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-155005-8
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Can the central clearing of over-the-counter derivatives according to European Market Infrastructure Regulation be conceptionally and technically convincingly implemented in the German legal system? Maximilian Brambring uses the Eurex clearing model to demonstrate that it can, and links into the discourse on the regulation of systemic risks in financial markets.

Schriften zum Unternehmens- und Kapitalmarktrecht (SchrUKmR)