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Alexander Lutz

Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Informationen in der digitalen Welt

Ein urheberrechtlicher Beitrag zu den Wissenschaftsschranken und zu einem zwingenden Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht
[Access to Scholarly Information in the Digital World. An Analysis of Copyright Limitations and the Information Society Directive as well as a Contribution to the Discussion regarding a Right of Second Publication for the Author of Scholarly Articles.]
2012. XVI, 290 pages.
Published in German.
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  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-151834-8
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In the digital world, copyright law is increasingly being perceived as an impediment to scholarly work. Alexander Lutz shows how reforming copyright limitations could remedy this. In addition, for the establishment of the open-access model the author proposes the codification of a mandatory right of second publication for the author of scholarly articles.

Geistiges Eigentum und Wettbewerbsrecht (GEuWR)