
Philipp Batthyány

Zwang als Grundübel in der Gesellschaft?

Der Begriff des Zwangs bei Friedrich August von Hayek

[Coercion as a Basic Evil in Society. The Concept of Coercion in the Works of Friedrich]

64,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-149365-2
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Published in German.
Philipp Batthyány gives a definition of Hayek's concept of coercion and the reasons for the reprehensibleness of coercion as a basic evil in society. Including substantial parts of Hayek's unpublished works, he analyzes Hayek's complete works with regard to the conception of freedom and coercion on which they are based.
The basic concept of classical liberalism is a concept of negative freedom: freedom as an absence of coercion. But what is coercion? Why is coercion regarded as evil from the perspective of freedom? Friedrich A. von Hayek developed a definition of the terms freedom and coercion which however remained incomplete and which raised some basic questions regarding his moral philosophy and his theory of cultural evolution. Philipp Batthyány gives a definition of Hayek's concept of coercion and the reasons for the reprehensibleness of coercion as a basic evil in society. Including substantial parts of Hayek's unpublished works, he analyzes Hayek's complete works with regard to the conception of freedom and coercion on which they are based and in doing so fills a large gap in Hayek research.

Philipp Batthyány Geboren 1968 in Genf; Studium der Philosophie an der Jesuitenuniversität Hochschule für Philosophie S.J., München; 2006 Promotion; 2018 Habilitation; Professor für Sozial- und Moralphilosophie an der Internationalen Akademie für Philosophie des Fürstentums Liechtenstein, IAP.


The following reviews are known:

In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung — 3. März 2008, S. 27 (Detmar Doering)
In: Schweizer Monatshefte — 2008/09, S. 65 (Matthias Jenny)
In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) — 10. November 2008, S. 12 (Elmar Nass)