
Matthias Braun

Zwang und Anerkennung

Sozialanthropologische Herausforderungen und theologisch-ethische Implikationen im Umgang mit psychischer Devianz

[Coercion and Recognition. Socio-Anthropological Challenges and Theological-Ethical Implications in Dealing with Psychiatric Disorder.]

2017. VIII, 372 pages.

Perspektiven der Ethik 10

64,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-155199-4
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Published in German.
Matthias Braun asks how the relationship between recognition and applying coercion for the well-being of others can be conceived. He scrutinizes how fundamental the vulnerability of embodied self-relating is to the negotiation of normative claims.
Recognition is acknowledged as a key concept in a viable understanding of the conduct of human social life. Answers to the questions of who we are, who may have their say, and whose voice is heard are negotiated in processes of recognition. At the same time, the phenomenon of psychiatric disorder paradigmatically shows just how fragile, and sometimes precarious, processes of recognition are. Matthias Braun asks how the relationship between recognition and applying coercion for the well-being of others can be conceived. He scrutinizes how fundamental the vulnerability of embodied self-relating is to the negotiation of normative claims. Whilst following a concrete ethics approach, the theoretical considerations are systematically intertwined to develop honed and sustainable ethical and legal orientation markers for the use of coercion in dealing with psychiatric disorders.

Matthias Braun Geboren 1984; Studium der Biologie und Ev. Theologie; 2016 Promotion; derzeit Akademischer Rat am Lehrstuhl für Systematische Theologie II an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.


The following reviews are known:

In: Soziale Psychiatrie — 2019, Heft 1, S. 62 (Lars Klinnert)