Anne Katrin Stricker

Zwischen Konstruktion und Erfahrung

Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Gordon D. Kaufmans Theologie der »imaginative construction«
[Between Construction and Experience. An Appraisal of Gordon D. Kaufman's Theology of »Imaginative Construction«.]
2020. VIII, 261 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-159007-8
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-159007-8
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Can the lack of interest in questions of Christianity and matters of religion merely be attributed to outdated theological and religious forms of speech? While creative reformulations of religious concerns promise a quick revitalization, Anne Katrin Stricker shows that we should accord priority to the interaction between language and experience - an interaction which she describes as the »practice of creative memory«.

Religion in Philosophy and Theology (RPT)