Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie
Edited by Martin Laube, Christof Landmesser, Margaret Mitchell and Philipp Stoellger
HUTh is an international series publishing theological works of a hermeneutical character, whether in the narrower sense of dealing with a hermeneutical topic or in the broader sense of a hermeneutical perspective. Its horizon ranges from questions of understanding, interpretation and construal via rhetoric to the field of historical hermeneutics. Hermeneutical reflection understood in this way crosses the intra – disciplinary boundaries of the theological disciplines and opens the channels for inter – disciplinary conversations with subjects and disciplines outside of theological studies, particularly philosophical hermeneutics.
The profile of the series encompasses a broad spectrum of systematic-theological, historical and exegetical, but also practical-theological and religious studies investigations, which dedicate themselves to hermeneutical reflection in a unique way. The prerequisite for inclusion in the series is not a particular hermeneutical position, but rather the engagement with the hermeneutical dimensions of the respective research topic. Published volumes have focused on topics, texts and thinkers ranging from antiquity to the present.
Alongside relevant specialized monographs as well as outstanding habilitations and dissertations, collected volumes published as paperbacks have been welcomed into the series since 2011 as a way of initiating innovative debates in the field of hermeneutics, commenting on ongoing discussions, or presenting the current state of research. The series is overseen by an international editorial board of systematic and exegetical theologians.
Enquiries about publishing in the series can be addressed either to the series editors or to the publisher.
ISSN: 0440-7180 / eISSN: 2569-4065 - Suggested citation: HUTh
73 Products (21 to 30)
Positioning Cognitive Semantic Theory and Method within Theology
2018. XIII, 312 pages. HUTh 74
cloth 129,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-156621-9
Also Available As:
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Ikonische Repräsentation und Temporalität
Hrsg. v. Michael Moxter u. Markus Firchow
2018. VIII, 220 pages. HUTh 73
sewn paper 104,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-155814-6
Also Available As:
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Untersuchungen zur wirklichkeitskonstitutiven Relevanz des christlichen Offenbarungsbegriffs
2018. XIII, 254 pages. HUTh 72
cloth 134,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-155866-5
Also Available As:
eBook PDF

Theologische Auslegung des Johannesevangeliums im Horizont des Sprachdenkens
2014; unrevised student edition 2017. XIII, 545 pages. HUTh 64
paper 69,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-154959-5

Versuch der Entmarginalisierung eines Klassikers
Hrsg. v. Pierre Bühler, Stefan Berg, Andreas Hunziker u. Hartmut von Sass
2016. XXIII, 296 pages. HUTh 71
sewn paper 94,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-154718-8

Studien zur Poetik des 'heiligen Textes'
2016. XIII, 344 pages. HUTh 70
cloth 154,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-154193-3

Idee und Problem einer Abrahamischen Ökumene
2016. XIV, 694 pages. HUTh 69
cloth 149,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-150145-6

Grundfragen der Bildanthropologie
Hrsg. v. Philipp Stoellger u. Jens Wolff
2016. XX, 1013 pages. HUTh 68
sewn paper 194,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-154233-6

Eine Untersuchung aus theologischer Perspektive
2014. XVIII, 311 pages. HUTh 67
cloth 139,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-153169-9

A Literary-Historical Interpretation
2014. XII, 319 pages. HUTh 66
cloth 144,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-153244-3