Jus Privatum. Beiträge zum Privatrecht
The Jus Privatum. Beiträge zum Privatrecht series was founded in 1991, primarily to provide a suitable platform for habilitations and monographs written by professors whose field is private law.
The series encompasses all branches of private law, civil law, commercial and corporate law, labor law and procedural law. It does not exclude interdisciplinary subjects as long as the work concerned focuses on private law.
Most of the titles in this series do not confine themselves to German law, since in accordance with the current laws the issues dealt with in the works have often been influenced by European law. In addition, it is becoming increasingly important to obtain insight into legal systems in other countries by means of comparative law.
This ambitious and appealing series is extremely successful. Since it was established, more than 170 volumes have been published, an indication that the series does provide more than just a random selection of current research in civil law. It also reflects the standard and the present significance of private law in Germany. Within a relatively short period of time, the Jus Privatum series has made a name for itself in Germany and in other countries as well.

Dr. Julia Caroline Scherpe-Blessing, LL.M. (Cantab)
Program Director Private Law, Criminal Law, and Procedural Law
ISSN: 0940-9610 / eISSN: 2568-8472 - Suggested citation: JusPriv
278 Products (71 to 80)
Staatliche Verhaltenssteuerung mittels Privatrecht und ihre Bedeutung für Rechtswissenschaft, Gesetzgebung und Rechtsanwendung
2016. XXXIV, 848 pages. JusPriv 207
cloth 159,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-154339-5
Also Available As:
eBook PDF

2016. LVIII, 769 pages. JusPriv 208
cloth 149,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-151925-3
Also Available As:
eBook PDF

2016. XV, 309 pages. JusPriv 206
cloth 104,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-154587-0
Also Available As:
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cloth 134,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-154067-7
Also Available As:
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Legitimation, Reichweite und Steuerung der Haftung auf Schadensersatz zur Durchsetzung marktordnenden Rechts
2016. XXXVIII, 710 pages. JusPriv 201
cloth 154,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-153802-5
Also Available As:
eBook PDF

Die Verbandsklage im Verbraucher- und Arbeitsrecht
2016. XXV, 332 pages. JusPriv 202
cloth 94,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-154264-0
Also Available As:
eBook PDF

Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Schutzes von Geschäftsgeheimnissen
2016. XXIV, 365 pages. JusPriv 204
cloth 104,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-154282-4
Also Available As:
eBook PDF

Venture Capital in Deutschland und den USA
2016. XLIV, 846 pages. JusPriv 200
cloth 159,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-153465-2
Also Available As:
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Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des subjektiven Privatrechts
2015. XV, 356 pages. JusPriv 198
cloth 114,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-153223-8
Also Available As:
eBook PDF

cloth 189,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-153933-6
Also Available As:
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