Praktische Theologie in Geschichte und Gegenwart
Edited by Christian Albrecht, Tobias Braune-Krickau, Stefanie Lorenzen and Bernd Schröder
The purpose of this series is to offer a forum for studies on Practical Theology incorporating Religious Education that are historically well-versed and systematically orientated. Insightful historical-systematic works open towards other – be they empirical, comparative or action-orientated – aspects of practical-theological reflexion perspectives are thus provided room to connect. In this way, Practical Theology and Religious Education equally safeguard their interest in clarifying crucial religious and ecclesiastical phenomena such as their intentions to constructively criticise contemporary Christianity. The series publishes studies on constitutional questions as well as tangible issues of all Practical Theology's sub-disciplines, including Religious Education. Each volume should, like the series as a whole, reflect the common bond between these disciplines in view of the questions they pose, their methods and insistence on precision. Prerequisite is that the works do not confuse Practical Theology with its related practice.
ISSN: 1862-8958 / eISSN: 2569-4219 - Suggested citation: PThGG
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Disziplingeschichtliche und systematische Untersuchungen in religionspädagogischem Interesse
2024. XVI, 374 pages. PThGG 43
sewn paper 99,00 €
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Eine Studie zu jüdischer Bibeldidaktik und ihrer Rezeption in der christlichen Religionspädagogik
2024. XVIII, 427 pages. PThGG 42
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Zusammenhänge, Analogien und Konturen des jüdischen und christlichen Gottesdienstes
2023. XIV, 578 pages. PThGG 41
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Weltweites polyzentrisch-plurales Christentum als Bildungsreligion
2023. XIII, 251 pages. PThGG 40
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Grundlegungen – Rekonstruktionen – Impulse
2023. X, 580 pages. PThGG 39
paper 114,00 €
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Das Beispiel der Rezeption des altkirchlichen Katechumenats in der neuzeitlichen Katechetik
2022. XIII, 247 pages. PThGG 38
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Praktische Hermeneutik in interdisziplinären Perspektiven
Herausgegeben von Johannes Greifenstein
2022. VIII, 276 pages. PThGG 37
sewn paper 79,00 €
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Religion und Psychologie in theologischer Perspektive
Herausgegeben von Annette Haußmann, Niklas Schleicher und Peter Schüz
2021. XII, 392 pages. PThGG 36
sewn paper 109,00 €
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Bilanz und Perspektiven aus Anlass des 200jährigen Bestehens des Predigerseminars Loccum
Herausgegeben von Helmut Aßmann und Adelheid Ruck-Schröder
2021. XII, 448 pages. PThGG 35
sewn paper 114,00 €
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Ein Beitrag zur Praxistheorie homiletischer Bibelauslegung
2021. X, 636 pages. PThGG 34
sewn paper 129,00 €
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