Recht - Wissenschaft - Theorie. Standpunkte und Debatten
Edited by Matthias Jestaedt, Oliver Lepsius, Christoph Möllers, and Andreas Voßkuhle
In everyday jurisprudential work, the theoretical dimensions of the law are relegated to the background by practical questions. The view held by most is that there is no need to comment in detail on theory and method; these are simply applied to everyday practical work. The series presented here focuses on the significance of theory for jurisprudence. It creates a platform for monographs and anthologies whose goal is to promote jurisprudential self-reflection or the reflection of others on legal subjects. The issues concerned are the division of labor between the various single branches of the law and the law-making institutions as well as the interdisciplinary ability of legal science to connect with neighboring disciplines. The series deals with the proprium of jurisprudence as a science which is guided by theory and not merely motivated by practical experience, in other words: with the basic issues in jurisprudence which call for standpoints and trigger debates.

Daniela Taudt, LL.M. Eur.
Program Director Public Law, International and European Law, and Fundamentals of Law
ISSN: 1864-905X / eISSN: 2569-4243 - Suggested citation: RWT
16 Products (1 to 10)
Geschichtswissenschaft – Philosophie – Rechtsdogmatik
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2023. X, 225 pages. RWT 17
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Herausgegeben von Eric Hilgendorf und Helmuth Schulze-Fielitz
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Aspekte einer Geschichte des Bundesverfassungsgerichts
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DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-158227-1

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Rezeption und Vergessen in der Wissenschaft vom Öffentlichen Recht
Hrsg. v. Nikolaus Marsch, Laura Münkler u. Thomas Wischmeyer
2018. IX, 256 pages. RWT 14
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Perspektiven deutscher Privatrechtstheorie
Hrsg. v. Michael Grünberger u. Nils Jansen
2017. XII, 290 pages. RWT 13
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Zur Tragfähigkeit eines verfassungsrechtlichen Schlüsselkonzepts
Hrsg. v. Matthias Jestaedt u. Oliver Lepsius
2015. VIII, 311 pages. RWT 11
sewn paper 74,00 €
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2015. VIII, 220 pages. RWT 12
sewn paper 54,00 €
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Hrsg. v. Jan C. Schuhr
2014. VIII, 244 pages. RWT 9
sewn paper 69,00 €
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Stationen eines wechselvollen Verhältnisses
Hrsg. v. Matthias Jestaedt
2013. IX, 289 pages. RWT 8
sewn paper 69,00 €
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