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Cover of: Considering the IMF's Perspective on a »Sound Fiscal Policy«
Peter S. Heller

Considering the IMF's Perspective on a »Sound Fiscal Policy«

[Considering the IMF's Perspective on a ''Sound Fiscal Policy'']
Section: Articles
Volume 59 (2003) / Issue 1, pp. 141-161 (21)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/0015221032906108
  • article PDF
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  • 10.1628/0015221032906108
This paper provides a perspective on how the IMF assesses a ''sound fiscal policy,'' focusing principally on industrial and emerging market economies. It observes six central criteria: the short-term fiscal policy stance, with greater emphasis on automatic stabilizers than discretionary fiscal policy; relevance of medium and sometimes long-term issues; fiscal sustainability; capacity for aggregate fiscal policy implementation (including political economy factors); structural content of fiscal policy (tax efficiency and public expenditure quality); and institutional, governance, and process issues associated with budget implementation and revenue collection. Greater emphasis could be placed on an adequate margin to deal with uncertain long-term challenges.