
Jan-Olav Henriksen

Panentheism Without the Supernatural

On a Perichoretic Trinitarian Conception of Reality

Volume 3 () / Issue 1, pp. 51-71 (21)

This article outlines and explores a panentheistic position within Christian theology, rooted in the incarnation and developed within a Trinitarian framework. It is argued that theology should leave notions of the supernatural behind when it comes to articulate the God world relationship. By partaking in creation, God reveals Godself as working with, in, and under nature. The Trinitarian model explored in the following endeavors, consequently, to move beyond the supernaturalism versus atheistic naturalism dichotomy that has shaped so much of the discussion concerning panentheism. Instead of employing this distinction, I argue that there are resources in thinking the relationship between God and the world in terms of perichoresis.

Jan-Olav Henriksen Born 1961; 1990 Dr. theol.; 2000 Alan Richardson Fellow at the University of Durham, UK; 2002 Dr. philos.; since 1994 professor of systematic theology at MF Norwegian School of Theology; currently also Dean of Research; member of the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ.