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Cover of: Tax-Treaty Effects on Foreign Investment: Evidence from European Multinationals
Carlos Pinho, Mário Marques

Tax-Treaty Effects on Foreign Investment: Evidence from European Multinationals

Section: Articles
Volume 70 (2014) / Issue 4, pp. 527-555 (29)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/001522114X685474
  • article PDF
  • available
  • 10.1628/001522114X685474
This paper reexamines the effects of bilateral tax treaties on investment location decisions, using a large panel of European countries. It provides evidence that tax treaties induced a positive and significant impact on the number of foreign subsidiaries incorporated in the last decade. Findings also suggest positive effects of treaty features other than withholding tax rates and double-taxation relief methods. When they are analyzed separately, we also find evidence confirming that the host country's corporate tax rate is a determining factor in the location of foreign subsidiaries.