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Cover of: The Body of Christ and Phenomenology of the Body
Adam Pryor

The Body of Christ and Phenomenology of the Body

Section: Articles
Volume 3 (2016) / Issue 1, pp. 32-50 (19)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/219597716X14563962631610
  • article PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY-SA 4.0
  • 10.1628/219597716X14563962631610
In this article, I explore what might be the implications of Merleau Ponty's later ontological turn in his phenomenological writings for getting beyond a dermal metaphysics. Relying heavily on his idea of the chiasm and its implications for sense and sensibility as critical pieces of ontology in generative phenomenology, I consider how the concept of chiasm could serve as a philosophical concept that may aid theologians in articulating the breadth of Christ's meaning for all creation as God incarnate - especially as with the idea of 'deep incarnation.' Articulating a connection to deep incarnation prevents one from understanding Merleau Ponty's concept of the flesh as banal pantheism, while providing a rich philosophical language for deep incarnation.