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Cover of: The Notion of Life: in the Anthropological Discourse of the Primeval History
Andreas Schüle

The Notion of Life: in the Anthropological Discourse of the Primeval History

Section: Articles
Volume 1 (2012) / Issue 4, pp. 483-501 (19)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/219222712805363935
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  • 10.1628/219222712805363935
As part of its narrative lines, the Primeval History includes a rich and diverse discourse about the notion of life: What constitutes life? Are there higher and lower forms of life that distinguish humans from animals? And finally, why does life end? This discourse revolves around two conceptual terms: whose meaning and theological significance this essay explores against the backdrop especially of the Psalms and sapiential literature.