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Cover of: William T. Cavanaugh and James K. Smith. eds. Evolution and the Fall. Grand Rapids:Eerdmans, 2017. 261pp.
Gregor Etzelmüller

William T. Cavanaugh and James K. Smith. eds. Evolution and the Fall. Grand Rapids:Eerdmans, 2017. 261pp.

Section: Book Reviews
Volume 5 (2018) / Issue 2, pp. 291-294 (4)
Published 16.04.2019
DOI 10.1628/ptsc-2018-0023
  • article PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY-SA 4.0
  • 10.1628/ptsc-2018-0023
William T. Cavanaugh and James K. Smith. eds. Evolution and the Fall. Grand Rapids:Eerdmans, 2017. 261pp.