
Florian Schmitt

Beraterhaftung für Insolvenzverschleppungsschäden

[Advisor Liability for Damage Due to Delay in Filing for Insolvency.]

2017. XV, 267 pages.

Studien zum Privatrecht 62

104,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-155076-8
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Published in German.
Florian Schmitt analyses whether a company's legal or – especially – its tax advisors can be held liable if their clients delay filing for insolvency. Not only the client, but also third parties such as directors, shareholders and creditors, may attempt to claim compensation for losses resulting from the company's insolvency.
Florian Schmitt analyses whether a company's legal or – especially – its tax advisors can be held liable if their clients delay filing for insolvency. Not only the client, but also third parties such as directors, shareholders and creditors, may attempt to claim compensation for losses resulting from the company's insolvency.

Florian Schmitt Geboren 1988; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Trier; 2013 Erste juristische Prüfung; wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Trier; 2016 Promotion; Rechtsreferendar im Bezirk des OLG Koblenz.


The following reviews are known:

In: Banca, borsa et titoli di credito — 2019, 288–289 (PS)
In: Anwaltsblatt — 2018, 98–99 (Matthias Kilian)