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Michael Heese


Eine rechtswissenschaftliche Abhandlung zur Dogmatik der Beratungspflichten und zur Haftung des Ratgebers im Zivil- und Wirtschaftsrecht
[Advisors' obligations. A Legal Treatise on the Anatomy of Advisors' obligations and Advisors' Liability in Civil and Business Law.]
2015. XXXIV, 531 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-153912-1
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-153912-1
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Advisors' obligations and the particulars of advisors' liability have been crucial questions in civil and business law ever since. Beginning in the 1990's, advice as a legal concept became more and more important for legal policy, legislators, and courts. Michael Heese continues to develop a more general civil law approach to advisors' obligations and liability, taking into account both professional duties and regulatory law.

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