
Christoph Strohm

Calvinismus und Recht

Weltanschaulich-konfessionelle Aspekte im Werk reformierter Juristen in der Frühen Neuzeit

[Calvinism and the Law. Ideological and Confessional Aspects in the Works of Law Professors from the Reformed Church in Early Modern Germany.]

139,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-149581-6
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Published in German.
Christoph Strohm examines how and in what manner denominational orientations were reflected in the teachings of law professors from the Reformed Church in early modern Germany.
Christoph Strohm examines how and in what manner denominational orientations were reflected in the teachings of law professors from the Reformed Church in early modern Germany. In the field of public law, there were no real differences between legal professionals from the Lutheran and the Reformed Church. However, there were significant differences between Protestant and Roman Catholic law professors. Protestant legal professionals for example had no problem with the jurisdiction of the state to solve religious conflicts and thus were able to contribute to the development of public law. Similarly, the development of civil law was influenced by Protestant law professors, whereas in those universities which were dominated by the Jesuits civil law was overshadowed by canon law and moral theology.

Christoph Strohm Geboren 1958; 1978–83 Studium der Ev. Theologie und Geschichte; 1987 Dr. theol.; 1995 Habilitation; o. Professor für Kirchengeschichte an der Universität Heidelberg, o. Mitglied der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften und Leiter der Forschungsstelle »Theologenbriefwechsel im deutschen Südwesten 1550–1620« der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften.


The following reviews are known:

In: Juristenzeitung — 2010, 1174
In: Verkündigung u. Forschung — 57 (2012), S. 64–72 (Stefan Ehrenpreis)
In: Rechtsgeschichte — 2009, 196–198 (Michael Stolleis)
In: Deutsches Pfarrerblatt — 109 (2009), S. 663
In: Sehepunkte — (16.09.2009) (Lucia Bianchin)
In: Historische Zeitschrift — 289 (2009), S. 763–765 (Cornel Zwierlein)
In: Zeitschr.f.Neuere Rechtsgeschichte — 2011, 94–96 (Ralf Frassek)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 135 (2010), S. 565–567 (Heinrich de Wall)
In: Reformierte Presse — 2009, Nr. 27, S. 9 (Peter Opitz)
In: Nederlands Dagblad — 19. September 2008, S. 4 (Beilage) (Herman J. Selderhuis)
In: Zeitschr. f. Evang. Kirchenrecht — 2009, 380–384 (Arno Schilberg)
In: De processibus matrimonialibus — 17/18 (2010/11), S. 807–808 (Burkhard Neumann)
In: Zeitschrift d.Savigny-Stiftung G — 2009, 707–708 + 2011, 692–696 (Robert von Friedeburg/Steffen Schlinker)
In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung — 24. September 2008, S. 46 (Friedrich W. Graf)
In: — 2009, Nr. 9, S. 30 (Rahel Cerná-Willi)
In: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht — 60 (2009), S. 447–448 (Heinz Schilling)