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Wolfgang Simon
Die Messopfertheologie Martin Luthers
Voraussetzungen, Genese, Gestalt und Rezeption
[Martin Luther's Theology of the Sacrifice of the Mass. Prerequisites, Origins, Form and Reception. By Wolfgang Simon.]
2003. XIX, 771 pages. Published in German.
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- 978-3-16-158549-4
The sacrifice of the mass is a religious ritual which is of crucial importance for the thinking and the self-understanding of late medieval society. Wolfgang Simon examines its theological and political background and shows how Luther developed his own concept of sacrament and sacrifice. Why did he call what was commonly thought of as a sacrifice the »worst abomination«? How did his theology of the mass affect everyday life? How were his ideas received and changed by the clergymen in the cities? Why did Luther criticize Karlstadt's activities in Wittenberg, and to what extent was the Reformation a Lutheran event? Wolfgang Simon deals with these questions, showing the links between the historical, theological and sociological aspects, thus contributing to the present ecumenical discussions on sacrament, the church service and sacrifice.