
Anna Sauerbrey

Die Straßburger Klöster im 16. Jahrhundert

Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geschlechtergeschichte

[The Strasbourg Convents in the 16th Century. An Analysis with Special Focus on the History of Gender]

unrevised e-book edition 2020; Original edition 2012; 2012. XIII, 435 pages.

Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation / Studies in the Late Middle Ages, Humanism, and the Reformation 69

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ISBN 978-3-16-158607-1
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Published in German.
In the course of the introduction of Protestant theology, the magistrate sought to close the many monasteries in Strasbourg, which Martin Luther had ruled not compliant with the new doctrine. However, a small number of monasteries survived, some well into the 17th century. The author compares dissolved and surviving convents, seeking an answer to the question of which factors enabled a community to sustain Catholic life in a Protestant environment.
As in many other imperial cities in 16th century Germany, Strasbourg introduced the Reformation early on. In the course of the introduction of Protestant theology, the magistrate sought to close the many monasteries in town, which Martin Luther as well as Strasbourg's most important Protestant thinker, Martin Bucer, had ruled not compliant with the new doctrine. However, a small number of monasteries survived, some well into the 17th century. The author compares dissolved and surviving convents, seeking an answer to the question of which factors enabled a community to sustain Catholic life in a Protestant environment. She focuses particularly on the role gender played and analyzes the differences between male and female communities, their different positions in 16th century society and their different restrictions and opportunities.

Anna Sauerbrey Studium der Mittleren und Neueren Geschichte, Politikwissenschaft und Publizistik in Mainz und Bordeaux; 2005–09 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Historischen Seminar der Universität Mainz; seit Frühjahr 2011 Mitarbeiterin der Meinungsredaktion des Tagesspiegels in Berlin.


The following reviews are known:

In: Reformatorisch Dagblad — 29. Juni 2013, S. 9 (Herman J. Selderhuis)
In: Archiv f. ReformationsG -Literaturbericht- — 42 (2013), 213 (Conrad)
In: Collectanea Franciscana — 83 (2013), S. 562–566 (Leonhard Lehmann)
In: Rottenburger Jahrbuch f. KirchenG — 32 (2013), S. 409–410 (Immo Eberl)
In: Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft — 60 (2018), S. 443–444 (Benedikt Müntnich)
In: Journal of Ecclesiastical History — 65 (2014), S. 912–913 (Merry Wiesner-Hanks)