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Hans Kelsen

Hans Kelsen Werke

Band 1: Veröffentlichte Schriften 1905-1910 und Selbstzeugnisse
Edited by Matthias Jestaedt and Hans Kelsen-Institut
[Volume 1: Publications 1905-1910 and Autobiographies.]
2007. X, 719 pages.
Published in German.
unit price
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-149419-2
Price with mandatory subscription of the multi-volume work
including VAT
Should the subscription be cancelled before the edition is completed, the subscriber will be required to pay the difference between the subscribtion price and the price of the single volumes.
Volume 1 of the Hans Kelsen-Werke (HKW) contains Kelsen's publications during his »pre-critical phase« between 1905 and 1910, e.g. the monographs: Die Staatslehre des Dante Alighieri (1905) and Kommentar zur österreichischen Reichsratswahlordnung (1907); two journal articles and a number of book reviews. Also included are two short autobiographies.