
Bernhard Mutschler

Irenäus als johanneischer Theologe

Studien zur Schriftauslegung bei Irenäus von Lyon

[Irenaeus as a Johannine Theologian. Studies of the Interpretation of the Scriptures in the Writings of Irenaeus of Lyon.]

79,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-148284-7
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Published in German.
How strong was John's influence on Irenaeus? Bernhard Mutschler gives a comprehensive overview of all the biblical and non-biblical quotations and allusions made by the 2nd century father of the church. Irenaeus is shown as a careful, clever and responsible interpreter of the Scriptures, an excellent scholar of the Corpus Johanneum and above all a prudent and solicitous bishop of his local church.
Is Irenaeus, as he writes himself, a pupil of Polycarp of Smyrna, the pupil of John, who wrote the Fourth Gospel? How strong are the Johannine traces in his work? How does he explain the Johannine Gospel? Apart from the section related to John, this study also includes a comprehensive overview of all the biblical and non-biblical quotations and allusions made by the 2nd century father of the church and brings new and computer-aided methods (e.g. statistics, diagrams etc.) into the debate. Irenaeus is shown as a careful, clever and responsible interpreter of the Scriptures, an excellent scholar of the Corpus Johanneum and above all a prudent and solicitous bishop of his local Gallic church.

Bernhard Mutschler Geboren 1967; Studium der Evangelischen Theologie, Altphilologie und Religionswissenschaft in Neuendettelsau, Tübingen, Jerusalem, Heidelberg und Wien; Pfarrer der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Württemberg; Wissenschaftlicher Assistent an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Heidelberg; 2004 Promotion.


The following reviews are known:

In: The Expository Times — 118 (2007), S. 570 (Charles E. Hill)
In: Biblische Zeitschrift — 51 (2007), S. 154–156 (Titus Nagel)
In: Nederlands Dagblad — 8. Oktober 2004, Nr. 15680, S. 7 (H.J. Selderhuis)
In: Irenikon — 79 (2006), S. 449–452
In: Journal of Ecclesiastical History — Vol.57 (2006), H.1 (Eric Osborn)
In: Svensk Exegetisk Arsbok — 72 (2007), S. 244–245 (Mikael Isacson)
In: New Testament Abstracts — Vol.49 (2005), H.1, S.177
In: Theologische Revue — Jg.101 (2005), H.3, S.227ff (Peter Geimenhardt)
In: Tijdschrift voor Theologie — Jg.45 (2005), H.2, S.209f (Johan Leemans)