
Eva Schlotheuber

Klostereintritt und Bildung

Die Lebenswelt der Nonnen im späten Mittelalter. Mit einer Edition des 'Konventstagebuchs' einer Zisterzienserin von Heilig-Kreuz bei Braunschweig (1484–1507)

[Entry into the Convent and Education. The Nuns' World in the Late Middle Ages. With an Edition of the »Convent Diary« written by a Cistercian Nun from Heilig-Kreuz near Brunswick (1484–1507).]

149,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-148263-2
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Published in German.
This book takes a good look at life in the convents of the late Middle Ages as described in the diary of a Cistercian nun written over a period of more than 20 years. It shows how the convents and the families of the girls entering the convent interacted and deals with their education in the convent, their knowledge of Latin, their secular surroundings, their understanding of themselves and their own spiritual life and, in particular, the function of the nuns in medieval society as brides of Christ.
This book takes a good look at life in the convents of the late Middle Ages as described in the diary of a Cistercian nun written over a period of more than 20 years. It shows how the convents and the families of the girls entering the convent interacted. If the girls were underage, canon law regulations had to be taken into consideration, and the author deals with the development of the part of canon law pertaining to this from the early Middle Ages until the Reformation. The study accompanies the girls from their entry into the convent until they became nuns, a process which often took ten years and which culminated in their marriage to Christ. It deals with their education in the convent, their knowledge of Latin, their secular surroundings, their understanding of themselves and their own spiritual life and, in particular, the function of the nuns in medieval society as brides of Christ.

Eva Schlotheuber Geboren 1959; Studium der Geschichte und Anthropologie in Göttingen; 1994 Promotion; 2003 Habilitation; seit 2010 Professorin für Mittelalterliche Geschichte an der HHU Düsseldorf.


The following reviews are known:

In: Historische Zeitschrift — 285 (2007), S. 184–185 (Franz J. Felten)
In: Das Historisch-Politische Buch — Jg.54 (2006), H.2, S.138f (Susanne Krauß)
In: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht — Jg.57 (2006), H.7/8, S.472 (Martin Kintzinger)
In: Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft — 54 (2012), S. 435–436 (Benedikt Müntnich)
In: IASLonline — (Anne-Katrin Kunde)
In: Niedersächs. Jahrbuch f. LandesG — Bd.77 (2005), S.458ff (B. Schmidt-Czaia)
In: Sehepunkte — (Martin Kintzinger)
In: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters — 62 (2007), S. 783–784 (K.N.)
In: Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch — 42 (2007), S. 174–175 (Gabriela Signori)
In: Süddeutsche Zeitung – F — 14.April 2005, Nr.85, S.16
In: Hieronymus News — 49 (2005), S.2
In: Ellwanger Jahrbuch — 40 (2004/05), S. 462–463 (Immo Eberl)
In: Erbe und Auftrag — Vol.80 (2004), H.5, S.436 (Nur Bibliographie)
In: American Historical Review — 111 (2006), H. 5
In: Speculum — 2007, S. 235–236 (Anne E. Lester)
In: Zeitschr.f.Histor.Forschung — 33 (2006), S. 645–648 (Christina Lutter)
In: Zeitschrift für Theologie und Philosophie — 84 (2009), S. 123–124 (R. Berndt)
In: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft (ZfG) — Jg.52 (2004), H.12, S.1135f (Stephanie Irrgang)
In: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte — 35 (2006), S. 22–23 (Conrad)