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Cover von: Buddhismus in religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive
Stefan S. Jäger

Buddhismus in religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive

Rubrik: Forschungsberichte
Jahrgang 87 (2022) / Heft 3, S. 388-434 (47)
Publiziert 05.09.2022
DOI 10.1628/thr-2022-0015
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  • 10.1628/thr-2022-0015
This research report offers a review of literature on Buddhism from the perspective of academic religious studies and explores developments of and tendencies in Buddhist Studies since the beginning of the new millenium. Buddhist Studies with their wide scope of specialized fields of research and methodology have made considerable progress which is documented by the publication of advanced encyclopedias, general works of reference as well as translations and editions of primary texts and in-depth-studies. An array of research perspectives, foci and methodologies characterizes the wide field of Buddhist Studies and reflects the historical development, geographical expansion and diversification of Buddhism as a dynamic and highly adaptive world religion even today. Especially the intersection with relating fields of research like Asian Studies, history, sociology, philology, philosophy, interreligious dialogue and others require a high degree of inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation on an international level as e. g. substantial publication projects in progress demonstrate.
TAKAO AOYAMA u. a. (Hg.), 総合仏教大辞典 Das große Lexikon des Buddhismus. Erste Lieferung: A-Bai. Redaktion Gregor Paul. Eine Veröffentlichung des EKŌ-Hauses der Japanischen Kultur ドイツ「恵光」日本文化センターin Düsseldorf. München: Iudicium 2006, X + 107 S. - DIES. (Hg.), 総合仏教大辞典Das große Lexikon des Buddhismus. Zweite Lieferung: Bait-D. Redaktion Gregor Paul. Eine Veröffentlichung des EKŌ-Hauses der Japanischen Kultur ドイツ「恵光」日本文化センターin Düsseldorf. München: Iudicium 2006, XIII. + 413 S. - STEPHEN BATCHELOR, The Awakening of the West. The Encounter of Buddhism and Western Culture. Vermont: Echo Point Williamsville 2011, XVI + 416 S. - HEINZ BECHERT u. a., Der Buddhismus I. Der indische Buddhismus und seine Verzweigungen (Die Religionen der Menschheit 24). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2000, IX + 512 S. - DERS., Der Buddhismus in Süd- und Südostasien. Geschichte und Gegenwart, hg. v. Ernst Steinkellner.