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Cover von: Der Einzelne in Schall und Klang
Volkmar Mühleis

Der Einzelne in Schall und Klang

Rubrik: Artikel
Jahrgang 70 (2023) / Heft 3, S. 253-266 (14)
Publiziert 29.09.2023
DOI 10.1628/phr-2023-0025
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  • 10.1628/phr-2023-0025
This article deals with the current significance of researching musical processes of creation - in a historical sense using the example of a study by Susanne Cox on the so-called Engelmann sketchbook by Ludwig van Beethoven, with regard to a current social interest in divisible knowledge, as addressed by the sociologists Tasos Zembylas and Martin Niederauer, as well as in the sense of an overarching interest in structural, dividual musicality in different art forms and areas of life according to the understanding of the music theorist Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling. With the figure of the composer in view, the question of the preservation or deconstruction of the creative subject arises, in the expansion of the musical field to adjacent art disciplines as well as in global inter- and transcultural comparison, beyond a mere Eurocentrism.
Susanne Cox, Das Skizzenbuch »Engelmann« - Untersuchungen zu Skizzen Beethovens aus dem Frühjahr 1823, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2022. 391 S. (SE) Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling, Musikalische Relationen. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2021. 246 S. (MR) Tasos Zembylas/Martin Niederauer, Composing Processes and Artistic Agency - Tacit Knowledge in Composing. London: Routledge, 2018. 158 S. (CP)