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Cover von: Die theologische und philosophische Rezeption der Texthermeneutik Paul Ricoeurs
Jean-Marc Tétaz, Martin Leiner

Die theologische und philosophische Rezeption der Texthermeneutik Paul Ricoeurs

Rubrik: Forschungsberichte
Jahrgang 85 (2020) / Heft 1, S. 46-71 (26)
Publiziert 29.06.2020
DOI 10.1628/thr-2020-0003
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  • 10.1628/thr-2020-0003
An important part of the literature interpreting Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics has been quite limited. In the USA, it was the opposition between Chicago and Yale school, and in Europe it was a predominant phenomenological reading of Ricoeur which are mainly responsible for a lack of studies integrating the influences of structural text-theory and analytical philosophy of language. Those influences are important since the 1960ies. Thanks to texts found in Ricoeur archive in Paris they can be understood much better. There are a few studies which integrate structural text-theory or analytical philosophy, but very seldom both influences are understood in their very creative combination with phenomenological tradition Ricoeur develops. To discover the real impact and the possible inspiration through Ricoeur's textual hermeneutics would require amuch more precise understanding of Ricoeur's position on topics such as reference and truth. For theology Ricoeur's hermeneutics opens new avenues to understand Biblical texts on issues such as fictional texts and possibilities of action.
RICŒUR1960: PAUL RICŒUR, La symbolique du mal (Philosophie de la volontéII/2), in: RICŒUR, Philosophie de la volonté 2. Finitude et culpabilité. Éditions Aubier, Paris 1988, 167 - 488. - RICŒUR 1965a: PAUL RICŒUR, De l'interprétation. Essai sur Freud (L'ordre philosophique). - Éditions du Seuil, Paris 1965, 533 S. - RICŒUR 1965b: PAUL RICŒUR, Existence et herméneutique, in: RICŒUR 1969, 7 - 28. - RICŒUR 1968: PAUL RICŒUR, Contribution d'une réflexion sur le langage à une théologie de la parole, in: Revue de théologie et de philosophie 18 (1968), 333 - 348. - RICŒUR 1969: PAUL RICŒUR, Le conflit des interprétations. Essais d'herméneutique (L'ordre philosophique). Éditions du Seuil, Paris 1969, 505 S. - RICŒUR 1972: PAUL RICŒUR, L'herméneutique du témoignage, in: RICŒUR 1994, 107 - 140. - RICŒUR 1974 : PAUL RICŒUR, Philosophische und theologische Hermeneutik, in: Me