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Cover von: Die Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsordnung der Verfassung Gesetzgebung, verfassungsgerichtliche Rechtsfindung und verfassungsrechtliche Dogmatik
Peter Badura

Die Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsordnung der Verfassung Gesetzgebung, verfassungsgerichtliche Rechtsfindung und verfassungsrechtliche Dogmatik

Rubrik: Abhandlungen
Jahrgang 140 (2015) / Heft 3, S. 333-366 (34)
Publiziert 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/000389115X14459439830742
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
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  • 10.1628/000389115X14459439830742
The Basic Law establishes with normative power the conditions, requirements, and obligations of the legislation and therefore of the parlamentarian representation of the people to persecute and fulfill the economic and social tasks of the state. The constitutional provisions prescribing certain aims for legislative and administrative activities of the state (»Staatszielbestimmun gen«) and the rights and guaranties established by the fundamental rights give the legislation a broad latitude of formation (»Gestaltungsfreiheit«) and the capability of proper and adequate assessement of the given situations and requirements of the economic and labour order. The significance and consequence of the law, a leading motion of the doctrine of constitutional law, appears formatively in the examples of the liberties of entrepreneurial property, the liberal protection of profession and labour and in the guaranteering of collective bargaining autonomy by the liberty of coalition. The law determins, following the directive of the constitutional liberties, content and limits of the apportionement of economic and social freedom and of the liberally protected interests and legal institutions. The parliamentary reserve (»Parlamentsvorbehalt«), which the constitution requires for the adjusting of public power by law, expresses the guarantee-function of the law, which democracy and the principle of the rule of law requires, and produces – not in the last end – the rising importance of the control by the constitutional jurisdiction and so of the judge made law (»Richterrecht«), especially in the realm of the legislation of the social or welfare state. The foundations and directives for the economic and labour order and for the economic and social policy legislation, which the constitution determines, are integrated into the economic and social order of the economic and monetary union of Europe, created and developed by the European Union, following the principle of an open market economy with free concurrence. The integration power (»Integrationsvollmacht«) of the Basic Law establishes and limits the public powers of the organs of the Union, which are transferred by treaty.