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Cover von: Feministische Philosophie - Eine Bestandsaufnahme
Brigitte Buchhammer

Feministische Philosophie - Eine Bestandsaufnahme

Rubrik: Artikel
Jahrgang 70 (2023) / Heft 1, S. 24-52 (29)
Publiziert 20.04.2023
DOI 10.1628/phr-2023-0005
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  • 10.1628/phr-2023-0005
What are the tasks of recent feminist debates? What is the genuine place of feminist philosophy? bell hooks' work demonstrates the current central focus of feminist research/thinking: Sexism is the core problem, and the goal is to overcome sexist ways of thinking and acting. Gender justice is the aim. Françoise Vergès accentuates the question in her study through the perspective of an investigation of colonial heritage and develops a decolonial feminist theory. Within a specifically philosophical framework, Karin Stögner and Alexandra Colligs present a dialogue between critical theory and feminism, claiming as a desideratum: more critical theory in feminism and more feminism in critical theory. Against the background of the outlined analyses, Manon Garcia's text is provocative, exploring the question of what is seductive in the submission of women. In a close reading of Simone de Beauvoir, utilising the method of phenomenology and mediated with that of existentialism, the question of why women consent to these (for them) fatal relations of domination is explored. Fundamental to feminist theory and practice are both solidarity among feminists and various forms of protest and resistance. Cincia Arruza, Tithy Bhattacharya, and Nancy Fraser's manifesto presents a stimulus for a new women's strike and offers an exciting socio-political analysis of the exploitation of women in capitalist social and economic orders. The importance of community to feminism is expressed in the title of Priya Basil's very personal book. How is it possible to become a feminist in a patriarchal family? How is it possible to achieve refractions as a feminist in the neoliberal, women-exploiting world of fashion? The presented works cover a broad range of topics, from fundamental questions of feminist theory to the situating of feminist philosophy and practical feminist engagement. The works reviewed here open up current aspects of feminist research in an exciting and stimulating way.
Bell Hooks, Feminismus für alle, Münster: Unrast Verlag, 2021. 143 S.; Françoise Vergès, Dekolonialer Feminismus, Wien: Passagen Verlag, 2019. 148 S.; Karin Stögner / Alexandra Colligs (Hrsg.), Kritische Theorie und Feminismus, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2022. 394 S.; Manon Garcia, Wir werden nicht unterwürfig geboren. Wie das Patriarchat das Leben von Frauen bestimmt, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2021. 235 S.; Cinzia Arruzza / Tithi Bhattacharya / Nancy Fraser, Feminismus für die 99 %. Ein Manifest, Berlin: MSB Matthes & Seitz, 2019. 108 S.; Priya Basil, Im Wir und Jetzt. Feministin werden, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2021. 176 S.