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Cover von: Geophilosophie?
Michaela Ott


Rubrik: Artikel
Jahrgang 69 (2022) / Heft 2, S. 120-137 (18)
Publiziert 28.06.2022
DOI 10.1628/phr-2022-0018
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  • 10.1628/phr-2022-0018
This philosophical review deals with five current texts on questions of geophilosophy and related demands in changes of human behavior and thought. The basis of existence is thereby called the terrestrial, the world or the planetary. The texts, philosophical-religious reflections, political-activist manifestos, and scientific overviews, differ in terms of their form and breadth of perspectivization as well as their urgency character. They offer alternatives, be it in non-Western ethics, in calls for degrowth and delinking of capitalist logics, or in new forms of living together termed convivialism. They ask for cosmo-vitalist and oikopoiesis programs and for complementing multiculturalism with multinaturalism including interplanetary space. Absolute hospitality or limiting the viewpoint to only four generations are some of the maxims deemed necessary for the reorientation mentioned.
Bruno Latour: Das terrestrische Manifest. Aus dem Französischen von Bernd Schwibs. Berlin 2018: Suhrkamp. 136 S. - Michael von Brück: Interkulturelles Ökologisches Manifest. Freiburg i. Br./München 2020: Karl Alber Verlag. 152 S. - Alain Caillé: Das zweite konvivialistisches Manifest. Für eine post-neoliberale Welt. Übersetzt aus dem Französischen von Michael Halfbrodt. Bielefeld 2020: transcript Verlag. 144 S. - Frederic Hanusch, Claus Leggewie, Erik Meyer: Planetar Denken. Ein Einstieg. Bielefeld 2021: transcript Verlag. 200 S. - Daniel Falb: Geospekulationen. Metaphysik für die Erde im Anthropozän. Berlin 2019: Merve Verlag. 344 S.