
Walter Dietrich

Von den ersten Königen Israels

Ein weiteres Jahrzehnt Samuelforschung (2012–2022) (Teil 1)

Rubrik: Forschungsberichte
Theologische Rundschau (ThR)

Jahrgang 89 () / Heft 1, S. 1-26 (26)
Publiziert 28.03.2024

26,00 € inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.
Artikel PDF
This article offers (the first half of) an overview of the last decade of research on the Books of Samuel. It first presents (I.) three recent commentaries, then (II.) three monographs on the textual history, more precisely: on the textual tradition of the Septuagint, and finally (III.) works on the reception history of the Books of Samuel as a whole as well as of their three main characters, Samuel, Saul, and David. (The actual exegetical research will be dealt with in a subsequent article).

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