
Multiple Reformations?

The Many Faces and Legacies of the Reformation
Ed. by Jan Stievermann and Randall C. Zachman

[Multiple Reformationen? Studien zur Vielgestaltigkeit der Reformation und ihrer Kulturwirkungen.]

2018. XV, 402 Seiten.

Colloquia historica et theologica 4

129,00 €
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eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156566-3
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Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
Dieser Band untersucht den inhärenten Pluralismus der Reformation und ihre mannigfaltigen Kulturwirkungen aus ökumenischem und interdisziplinärem Blickwinkel.
Dieser Band untersucht den inhärenten Pluralismus der Reformation und ihre mannigfaltigen Kulturwirkungen aus ökumenischem und interdisziplinärem Blickwinkel. Die Aufsätze beleuchten u.a. folgende Schlüsselfragen: Wie können wir heute die Reformation als ein historisches und theologisches Ereignis interpretieren und bewerten, wie als historiographische Kategorie und kulturellen Mythos? Und was sind die langfristigen globalen Konsequenzen der Reformationsepoche, wie sie sich in Gestalt miteinander konkurrierender konfessioneller Kulturen und letztlich unterschiedlicher globaler Christentümer manifestierten, im Kontext derer unterschiedliche Formen der Moderne entstanden?
Jan Stievermann/Randall Zachman: Preface

The Many Faces of the Reformation
Euan Cameron: Reconsidering Early-Reformation and Catholic-Reform Impulses – Randall C. Zachman: The Birth of Protestantism? Or the Reemergence of the Catholic Church? How Its Participants Understood the Evangelical Reformation

Interpretations of Scripture in the Reformation Period
Manfred Oeming: The Importance of the Old Testament for the Reformer Martin Luther – Greta Grace Kroeker: Erasmus and Scripture – Paul Silas Peterson: »The Text of the Bible is Stronger«: The Rebirth of Scriptural Authority in the Reformation and it Significance

The Reformation as an Interpretative Event
Emidio Campi: The Myth of the Reformation – Scott Dixon: The German Reformation as a Historiographical Construct: The Shaping of the Narrative from Melanchthon to Walch – Ute Lotz-Heumann: Confessionalization is Dead, Long Live the Reformation? Reflections on Historiographical Paradigm Shifts on the Occasion of the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation

The Aftermath of the Reformation Period
John O'Malley: Catholic Pastoral Care: The Early Modern Period – Jan Stievermann: Early American Protestantism and the Confessionalization Paradigm: A Critical Inquiry

Confessional Empires, Missions, and Nations
Simon Ditchfield: The »Making« of Roman Catholicism as a »World Religion« – Patrick Griffin: The Last War of Religion or the First War for Empire? Reconsidering the Meaning of The Seven Years' War in America – Hartmut Lehmann: Nationalism as Poison in the Veins of Western Christianity, c. 1800 – c. 1950

Confessional Modernities, Enlightenment and Secularization
John Betz: J. G. Hammann as a Radical Reformer: Two Mites Toward a Post-Secular, Ecumenical Theology – Volker Leppin: Friedrich Gogarten's Theology of Secularization

Confessional Cultures: Legal and Diaconical Traditions
Christoph Strohm: Confession and Law in Early Modern Europe – Johannes Eurich: The Influence of Religious Traditions on Social Welfare Development: Observations from the Perspective of Comparative Welfare State Research

Scripture and the Evangelical-Pietist Tradition
Ryan P. Hoselton: »Flesh and Blood Hath Not Revealed It«: Reformation Exegetical Legacies in Pietism and Early Evangelicalism – Douglas A. Sweeney: The Still-Enchanted World of Jonathan Edwards' Exegesis and the Paradox of Modern Evangelical Supernaturalism

Scriptural Authority and Biblical Scholarship in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Friederike Nüssel: The Value of the Bible: Martin Kähler's Theology of Scripture and its Ecumenical Impact – David Lincicum: Ferdinand Christian Baur, the New Testament, and the Principle of Protestantism – Matthias Konradt: Sola Scriptura and Historical-Critical Exegesis

Jan Stievermann Born 1975; 2005 PhD in American Studies from the University of Tübingen; since 2011 Professor for the History of Christianity in the USA at the University of Heidelberg.

Randall C. Zachman Born 1953; PhD from the University of Chicago Divinity School; 1991–2017 Professor of Reformation Studies at the University of Notre Dame; since 2017 Emeritus; currently Adjunct Instructor of Church History at Lancaster Theological Seminary in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.


Folgende Rezensionen sind bekannt:

In: Reading Religion — (John D. Roth)
In: Zeitschr. f. Kirchengeschichte — 131 (2020), pp. 110–112 (Christoph Burger)
In: Zwinglius Redivivus — (Jim West)
In: Sixteenth Century Journal — 51 (2020), pp. 278–280 (Philipp Reisner)