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Cover von: Compliance challenges of lethal autonomous weapon systems with international humanitarian law – recent developments
Katharina Parameswaran-Seiffert

Compliance challenges of lethal autonomous weapon systems with international humanitarian law – recent developments

Rubrik: Abhandlungen
Jahrgang 59 (2021) / Heft 4, S. 383-410 (28)
Publiziert 25.02.2022
DOI 10.1628/avr-2021-0022
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
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  • 10.1628/avr-2021-0022
The rapid technological advancement of (lethal) autonomous weapon systems in the past few years has highlighted critical compliance challenges of such systems with international humanitarian law and has accelerated the debate on their potential regulation. This article tries to delineate the main challenges regarding the reconcilability of autonomous weapons systems with international humanitarian law and gives an overview of the current status on regulation, in particular after the GGE LAWS meeting in August 2021. Although a consensus for the need of some regulation on (lethal) autonomous weapon systems is emerging, the specific form and content of such regulation remain unclear or controversial. This article argues that even though international humanitarian law provides a framework for such weapons systems, further regulation is needed in light of ethical considerations and to ensure that the fundamental principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution are adhered to under all circumstances.