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Cover von: Das Verwandtenerbrecht in historisch-vergleichender Perspektive
Reinhard Zimmermann

Das Verwandtenerbrecht in historisch-vergleichender Perspektive

Rubrik: Aufsätze
Jahrgang 79 (2015) / Heft 4, S. 768-821 (54)
Publiziert 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/003372515X14373846830061
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
  • Artikel PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY 4.0
  • 10.1628/003372515X14373846830061
The Intestate Succession Rights of the Deceased's Relatives in Historical and Comparative Perspective The intestate succession systems are based, everywhere, on the idea of family succession. The deceased's family consists of his (blood-)relatives as well as, possibly, his or her surviving spouse. The law, therefore, is faced with two central tasks: (i) to determine in which sequence the deceased's relatives are called to inherit and (ii) to coordinate the position of the surviving spouse with that of the relatives. The present paper analyses how the intestate systems of the Western world deal with the first of these tasks. In spite of differences in detail, they can be subdivided into three types: the »French system«, the three-line system, and the parentelic system. Analyzing them in historical and comparative perspective reveals basic commonalities (e.g. the preference given to descendants, and succession per stirpes), but also curious relics of past ages (e.g. the concept of »representation«, paterna paternis materna maternis, and la fente successorale). Other criteria relevant for a comparative assessment of the different solutions advocated by the three systems are consistency in the implementation of fundamental structural ideas, the avoidance of inconsistencies in evaluation, of arbitrariness, and of discrimination, the ability to forestall manipulations, and the preference for simplicity over complexity. The presumed intention of a typical deceased can be an important argument for deciding what might be the most appropriate solution, for the rules on intestate succession should, in case of doubt, reflect what those subject to these rules would typically regard as appropriate, as far as the distribution of their estate is concerned. But there are also issues where reliance on the presumed intention is misplaced. All in all, a reasonably limited parentelic system appears to be the superior intestate succession system. A strongly cultural impregnation of the rules on intestate succession is apparent only if Western and non-Western systems are compared. Within the Western legal world, the differences existing between the legal systems cannot be traced to differences in legal culture. All modern legal systems of the Western world attempt to take account of the deceased's relatives in a rational fashion. In that respect they build on the scheme established in Justinian's novels, the earliest one that can be labelled modern. The »French« system and the three-line system represent different manifestations of the Justinianic scheme, while the parentelic system implements its underlying ideas in an even more consistent manner, and inspired by Natural law ideas. Why the one system has taken root in one country, and the other in another, is a matter of historical contingency.