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Cover von: Demenz als Metapher oder vom Glück und Elend des Vergessens. Eine religionsgerontologische Deutung
Ralph Kunz

Demenz als Metapher oder vom Glück und Elend des Vergessens. Eine religionsgerontologische Deutung

Rubrik: Articles
Jahrgang 111 (2014) / Heft 4, S. 437-453 (17)
Publiziert 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435414X14135326006031
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
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  • 10.1628/004435414X14135326006031
Dementia is a social disease. Many are affected. Dementia has also become a metaphor. The forgetting-disease stands for the suffering and lost independence of the aging. Above all, however, it means that those who are affected are unable to tell the end of their own stories. A practical theology that is sensitive to dementia seeks sound possibilities to address these fractured life stories. Such a theology draws attention to the memorial community – the church – and to the fact that forgetting can be reinterpreted in the horizon of remembering God. In light of this interpretation, the illness is not terrifying, but also an allegory and a memorial for the humanness in the torso of fragmentary existence.