
Oded Lipschits, Manfred Oeming, Yuval Gadot

Interdisciplinary Research of Assyrian Siege Ramps – The Case of Tel Azekah

Jahrgang 4 () / Heft 1, S. 135-143 (9)

6,30 € inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.
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Over the next three years in Tel Azekah, a new project supported by the German-Israeli Fund (GIF Grant number 1238) will be conducted by a team of scholars from the Universities of Tel Aviv and Heidelberg, focusing on the study of the Assyrian siege ramp that was discovered at the site. This siege ramp's exposure will be used as a case-study for interdisciplinary research on Assyrian siege ramps, in order to gain a better understanding of this phenomenon.

Oded Lipschits Keine aktuellen Daten verfügbar.

Manfred Oeming Geboren 1955; 1984 Promotion und 1989 Habilitation in Bonn; seit 1996 Professor für alttestamentliche Theologie an der Universität Heidelberg.

Yuval Gadot Keine aktuellen Daten verfügbar.