
Joachim E. Christoph

Nichttheologische Graduierungen an Evangelisch-theologischen Fakultäten?

Jahrgang 109 () / Heft 2, S. 270-285 (16)

16,00 € inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.
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When doctorate degrees are conferred by a faculty of Protestant theology in Germany, the academic degree awarded has traditionally been a »Doctor of Theology« (Dr. theol.). For some time now there has been a plan to establish other degrees for dissertations from certain theological disciplines, religious studies in particular, such as for example »Doctor of Philosophy« (Dr. phil.) or »Doctor of Religious Studies« (Dr. rer. rel.). The objections to this are not of a theological nature only, since these new degrees are also not compatible with the German law on institutions of higher education and the law governing the re lationship between church and state.

Joachim E. Christoph Geboren 1942; Studium der Ev. Theologie in Tübingen und Marburg, dann Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Marburg und München; seit 1972 Mitarbeiter im Kirchenrechtlichen Institut der EKD; 1996–2007 jur. Vizepräsident im Lutherischen Kirchenamt der VELKD; 2008 Dr. theol. h. c. und jur. Promotion.