
Konrad Hammann

Rudolf Bultmanns Begegnung mit dem Judentum Rudolf Bultmanns Begegnung mit dem Judentum

Jahrgang 102 () / Heft 1, S. 35-72 (38)

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R. Bultmann maintained friendships and scholarly relations to Jews and Christians of Jewish descent. During the Third Reich he supported his Jewish friends in various ways. Some Christian theologians reproached him for making statements which contributed to the racial discrimination of the Jews in National Socialism and for interpreting the New Testament in a way which stirred up opinion against the Jews, but the author shows that this criticism was unfounded. Bultmann was in fact strongly opposed to an anti-Jewish interpretation of New Testament texts.

Konrad Hammann (1955–2020) Studium der Ev. Theologie in Marburg, Tübingen, München und Göttingen; 1980–81 wiss. Assistent in München; 1981–83 Vikariat in Verden/A.; 1984–91 Pfarrer in Schwalmbach-Trutzhain; 1988 Promotion; 1991–2003 Pfarrer in Göttingen; 1998 Habilitation; von 2003 bis zu seinem Tod Professor für Systematische sowie Historische Theologie und ihre Didaktik in Münster.