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Cover von: The 50th Anniversary of the European Law of Civil Procedure. Ed. by Burkhard Hess, Koen Lenaerts and Vincent Richard (co-ed.). Baden-Baden 2020
David Paulus

The 50th Anniversary of the European Law of Civil Procedure. Ed. by Burkhard Hess, Koen Lenaerts and Vincent Richard (co-ed.). Baden-Baden 2020

Rubrik: Literatur: Buchbesprechungen
Jahrgang 86 (2022) / Heft 4, S. 1026-1039 (14)
Publiziert 11.10.2022
DOI 10.1628/rabelsz-2022-0089
  • Artikel PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY 4.0
  • 10.1628/rabelsz-2022-0089
The 50th Anniversary of the European Law of Civil Procedure. Ed. by Burkhard Hess, Koen Lenaerts and Vincent Richard (co-ed.). - Baden-Baden: Nomos 2020. 558 pp. (Studies of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law. 22.)