
Marco Hofheinz

Wiedergeburt? Erwägungen zur dogmatischen Revision eines diskreditierten Begriffs

Jahrgang 109 () / Heft 1, S. 48-69 (22)

22,00 € inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.
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The once doctrinally popular notion of »palingenesis« has been largely discredited for its political preoccupation and its theological misuse by neo-conservative and evangelical »born again« Christians. The article seeks to reappropriate this discredited notion through an alternative theological language game which follows the biblical use of the term »palingenesis« as a description of the new creation in Christ.

Marco Hofheinz Geboren 1973; 2007 Promotion; 2010 Habilitation; Professor für Systematische Theologie an der Leibniz Universität Hannover.